Doctors in Training- USMLE prezentáció

2014. november 7.

2014. november 10, 18.00, Dr. Romhányi György Aula

"DOCTORS IN TRAINING" from the United States will be visiting our campus on Monday, November 10th to host a USMLE Step 1 presentation. 

The presentation will start at 6pm in the main campus building (AULA). 

The presentation will go over information on the USMLE Step 1 exam, the ECFMG process, and will explain the Doctors In Training review course in 45 minutes. Food will be catered for everyone in attendance and there will be large discounts offered on the DIT course.

For each student that attends the session, Doctors In Training will donate $5 to a CHARITY organization Chosen by EGSC!

All of the students from all 3 programs (Hun., Eng., Ger.) of General Medicine are welcome!

Please don't forget to RSVP by following the link below:

This is your ticket to the event & your support towards a more colorful charity fund raising event:

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